Many activities are interested about a very thorny subject: from pubs to canteens, from restaurants to hotels everybody cares about that. We are talking about food waste. FAO’s last researches stated that every year on 1,3 billions tons of food the 22% goes to the rubbish. From where this waste is coming from?
- From farming, since there are some limits in the preservations and transport of food, for weather issues and production surplus
- From food processing procedures
- From distribution, mistakes in evaluating orders and provisions, damaged packaging and wrong marketing strategies
- From domestic waste, purchase of overblown quantities, bad plan of provisions and portions calculation, bad conservation
As far as Law Gadda 166/2016 came into force the range of awareness-raising actions raised, involving mostly young people, trying to teach them the waste reduction. A year on many step forward are done thanks to many innovative projects and events focused on fighting waste through the donation of the surplus and redistribution of the excess. In the new year there are also some news thanks to the Legge di Bilancio 2018 that added new goods to the ones that can be donated referring to the Law Gadda and extending the connected tax benefits to players of tertiary sector registered to the Registro Unico Nazionale. A company can now deduce all the costs for VAT purposes: there are no taxes on outbound goods and it’s recognized the input VAT deduction. The aim is to simplify the procedures for who chooses to donate goods, even if is not exclusively food. On next article we will talk about waste food in Ho.Re.Ca field, so continue to follow us!